I knew that this was going to happen.
The first day of camp was too much of a success.
It was the same thing last year. There were no tears and no screaming. The first day brought a little bit of excitement, it was the 20 other days that were a nightmare. Today was no different. I don't know what happens on the first day to make every subsequent day thereafter unbearable, but it appears that is going to be the case again this summer.
My oldest one gets it. I don't know that he loves camp, but he goes without an issue. He seems to enjoy it, but if you ask him a few weeks from now, he might hate the lack of video games and the heat that will surely settle upon our area. My youngest is a whole other story. He finds any excuse to NOT want to go. Today's was that the pool was too cold. Some days it's that there are leaves in the pool, others that there are too many hills. You get the idea, he's trying to convince me that there are a lot of things wrong with this place, as if I am not going to send him one day.
That won't happen.
Lets give you a rundown of what their day is like and what it would be like at home:
9:00 CAMP - Dropoff! Tyler gets out of the car willingly, Carter is kicking and screaming.
9:00 HOME - The boys are arguing about Legos, Carter has woken up on the wrong side of his bed, and he proceeds to yell and scream that Tyler has a "cooler" guy and that I am stupid.
10:00 CAMP - Tyler is doing Archery, Carter is taking a swim lessons. Carter LOVES the pool. It's hard to get him out of it sometimes, plus he loves wearing goggles, he thinks it makes him look cool.
10:00 HOME - After an hour of calming Carter down, we have found the one lego mini figure head that he has been looking for. However his legs don't match his body and that sets him off again. Breakfast is thrown on the floor and I spend the next 15 minutes cleaning up the food that neither kid has eaten.
11:00 CAMP - Tyler is now in the pool where he is in the advanced group working on his back stroke. Carter is creating some project with macaroni that we will most certainly hang on the pantry door in our kitchen.
11:00 HOME - I have finally gotten the boys dressed after searching the house for a lego knife that we only have one of. However Carter now wants a blaster than his brother is playing with, and he proceeds to rip a picture made with macaroni from last years camp off the pantry door.
12:00 CAMP - Lunchtime for both boys. They sit quietly eating their meals that I have prepared for them and they finish every last bite in less than 30 minutes.
12:00 HOME - Lunchtime for both boys. I give them the same food that they would have eaten at camp, but neither touches any of it and we argue about how long lunch is taking, upwards of an hour.
1:00 CAMP - Tyler is enjoying a canoe ride in the pond and Carter is catching fish.
1:00 HOME - After cleaning up from lunch Tyler disappears to play a video game while Carter begins to yell that Tyler is not playing with him.
2:00 CAMP - Tyler is back in the pool enjoying some free swim with a couple of friends he made last year. Carter is immersed in a kickball game where he kicks a home run.
2:00 HOME - Both boys want ice cream. I proceed to tell them that since they didn't eat their lunch there will be no ice cream. Carter begins to melt down and an argument ensues, much screaming and yelling can be heard from our house.
He loves to swim! |
3:00 CAMP - Carter is now back in the pool after overcoming his fear of the leaves that have fallen from the trees. He looks like a fish and is seemingly having the time of his life with his new camp friends. Tyler is climbing the rock wall where for the first time he reaches the top.
3:00 HOME - The boys want to watch a movie. Carter gets upset that the options for what to watch on Netflix are limited to say the least. Popcorn is thrown all over the basement floor and we finally settle on Power Rangers.
4:00 CAMP - Pickup! Both boys tell me what an awesome day they had at camp and how much fun every activity was. Tyler tells me about his new best friend Bob for the next half hour and Carter shows me his macaroni project. A quick stop to get ices is in order on our way home.
4:00 HOME - I decide to get out of the house and take the kids to the spray ground. Carter gets upset that he is getting wet and after 15 minutes we decide to leave. A quick stop to the liquor store is in order on our way home.
5:00 HOME - We are now home and we are either hanging Carters macaroni project on the pantry door or are popping open the first of what will be many beers this evening.
I don't know why there is such an issue with going to camp, but for the sake of me becoming an alcoholic, they NEED to go.
John Willey - Daddy's in Charge?